
Intimate Health – Vampire Wing Lift

Have you noticed a change in the appearance of your vaginal region? Ageing, childbirth, or even trauma, can alter the appearance and function of the vaginal tissue.

Loss of volume and elasticity of the vagina can cause women to lose confidence and even reduced pleasure in their intimate lives.

If you are looking for a solution, Vampire Wing Lift could be the answer. It is one of the most effective vaginal restorative procedures available – and it requires no anaesthetic, hospital stay, or extended recovery time.

How does Vampire Wing Lift work?

Vampire Wing Lift uses the restorative and healing growth factors from your own blood to rejuvenate and revive the labia, or wings, of the vagina. This advanced treatment successfully lifts and reshapes the labia to the natural appearance of each individual woman’s younger self. The results have been proven successful for helping women to feel more confident about their own body.

  • Vampire Wing Lift is a simple and effective 30 minute procedure
  • The richest growth factors in the blood, called PRPs, are extracted from the blood and injected with a tiny needle into the labia
  • Triggers the body’s natural ability to heal and promote collagen production
  • Amplifies and rejuvenates vaginal tissue
  • Use of numbing cream assures a comfortable treatment
  • Yearly maintenance assures long-lasting results                                                                                                                              

Benefits of Vampire Wing Lift

  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Plumps labial tissue
  • Improves blood flow
  • Enhances colour
  • Tightens the vulva area
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Increases sensitivity
  • Quick and safe with minimal discomfort

This highly rejuvenating procedure offers results that can help you to feel your best while reclaiming the youthful appearance and functionality of your vagina.

Vampire Wing Lift is a procedure BioMed offers either as a single treatment or an add-on under O Shot ®











BioMed Natural Health Clinics

 in Arnside or Lancaster


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